Earthtone Emperor Bowl: In Honor of Mud

In honor of the earthy palette of mud season, I created the Earthtone Emperor Bowl. March in Vermont is quite the conundrum. We dream of spring blossoms, but are surrounded by ice and mud. The weather bounces between freezing and thawing, snowing and raining. 

This work of art is created on the blow pipe. I layer rich earth tones with hand pulled glass cane, frits, and powdered glass. A flowing trail of silver-blue glass accents the curved shoulder of this vessel. 

My work is often inspired by the geography I've seen in my travels, such as Sedona and the Fontainebleau Mykonos. I love capturing the essence of a place in colorful glass.

Whenever I return home to Vermont, I remember how inspiring New England is. The Earthtone Emperor Bowl honors our ever-shifting seasons, especially the combination of thawing mud and lingering ice of early spring.

The colorful seasons of New England can be found in my works of art, such as the summer meadow palette of Tapestry, the warm foliage tones of Autumn Cintura, and the cold crystalline Thaw